Have you wondered how long does it take to get child support after filing? Review this guide to fully understand the process and timeline.

Texas has 1.4 divorces per 1,000 people (CDC), many involving children. If you are a Texas parent filing for child support, you may be asking, “How long does it take to get child support after filing?”

The time it takes to receive child support can change due to several factors. Some of these factors you can control; others, you cannot.

This article will help demystify the process, exploring the timeline of getting child support. We’ll also discuss factors that can impact the time it takes to receive child support and answer some frequently asked questions. Read on to find out how soon you’ll get child support after filing.

How Long Does It Take To Get Child Support After Filing?

After filing, it takes roughly 6-8 weeks to receive child support payments. However, sometimes it takes multiple months. The details of your case can impact how long it takes to receive child support.

When you initiate a divorce with kids in Texas, you’ll have to make hard decisions about custody and child support. Sometimes, couples cannot reach a consensus during mediation, so they must take their case to court.

No matter how the case turns out, the parent with primary custody of the child(ren) may file a petition for child support. After that, the non-custodial parent will soon begin making child support payments.

While 6-8 weeks seems reasonable, several factors can prolong the time it takes to receive child support payments. In the following sections, we will explore these factors in more detail to help you answer, “How long does it take to get child support after filling?”

How to File for Child Support in Texas

Filing for child support can overwhelm newly single parents, but knowing what steps you need to take will make it faster. The following is a brief overview of the steps necessary to collect child support payments and how long each takes.

Establish Paternity

If a mother or birthing person requests child support, they must establish paternity before collecting payments. The other party may volunteer paternity through an Acknowledgement of Paternity form or may already have it according to Texas law.

This step can take no time at all or drag on for months. It all depends on how forthcoming the other party is and whether you need a court order.

File for Child Support

After establishing paternity, the custodial parent can apply for child support with the Office of the Attorney General’s (AG) Child Support Division.

While you can submit your petition for child support in one afternoon, you won’t begin collecting payments right away. The AG must process your request and begin the Child Support Review Process.

Attend Child Support Review Process Meeting

The Child Support Review Process (CSRP) is a meeting between parents and a CSRP officer to discuss child support, medical support, and visitation. This meeting can take place in person or over the phone.

Attend a Court Hearing

If you can’t agree during the CSRP, the case will go to court for a judge to decide. A court hearing can take a few weeks to several months to schedule.

Collect Child Support

After establishing a child support order, you may begin receiving payments. You should start receiving child support on the following pay period, but sometimes delays happen. For example, if you accept your checks by mail, your payments may come later than ACH direct deposits.

Factors That May Expedite Getting Child Support

There are some steps you can take to get child support faster. Consider these factors before starting the child support filing process.

1. Cooperation From Both Parties

You can expedite child support payments when both parents are willing to work together. Remember that child support is for the child’s benefit and not the custodial parent. Therefore, both parents should have a positive and cooperative attitude toward child support.

2. Accuracy of Information Provided

Information accuracy is crucial because clerical errors can cause delays in receiving child support. Double-check the accuracy of the non-custodial parent’s contact information, employment status, and income before filing.

3. Using an Attorney or Mediator

Texas divorce lawyer can help expedite the child support process because they know how to navigate the legal system. They will ensure that all necessary paperwork is filed correctly and promptly. Additionally, a mediator can help both parties agree on child support outside of court.

Texas Child Support FAQs

Navigating child support in Texas is tricky. Here are some of the most common questions we hear about setting up child support and their answers:

1. How Is Child Support Calculated in Texas?

Child support in Texas considers the income of both parents and the number of children involved. The Texas Family Code provides guidelines for calculating child support. It considers health insurance costs, daycare expenses, and additional child needs.

3. Do I Have to Pay Child Support Taxes?

Child support is not taxable income for the recipient and is not deductible for the paying parent. This differs from spousal support, also known as alimony, which is taxable income for the recipient and tax-deductible for the paying spouse.

4. Does the State Pay Child Support if the Father Doesn’t?

No, the state does not step in to pay child support if the father fails to do so. However, the custodial parent can seek enforcement through the Texas Attorney General’s Office. The AG can then take actions such as wage garnishment, interception of tax refunds, or suspension of driver’s licenses to ensure the non-custodial parent makes child support payments.

The Texas Divorce Lawyer Can Help

So, how long does it take to get child support after filing? In ideal situations, it can take between 6 and 8 weeks. But often, that timeline changes to your specific circumstances.

One of the best methods you can use to navigate the child support process is an experienced Texas divorce attorney. That’s where The Texas Divorce Lawyer comes in. Our family law attorneys understand the system’s intricacies and can guide you through each step of the process.

Find out more about our comprehensive child support services and how The Texas Divorce Lawyer can help your family.