In cases of joint custody where each parent has custody of the child or children for a reasonable amount of time, one of the parents may still have to make child support payments.

Because both parents may share a somewhat equal amount of cost to support the children, the court must carefully consider any child support agreement to ensure it is in the child’s best interests but still fair to each parent.

Negotiating Child Support for Joint Custody Arrangements 

Above all, the Texas court will ensure the child’s best interests are upheld, and in many cases, the parents will have to provide evidence to support their requests in a child support agreement.

There are many factors that go into determining a child’s needs in regard to financial support. Even though both parents may share custody of the child, the expenses paid by each parent for the care of the child may be vastly different. This might be the case especially if joint physical custody is not split exactly down the middle.

For example, if the child lives with one parent during the school week and is only with the other parent on weekends, the parent caring for the child during an entire week might incur more costs related to the child than the weekend parent. If that’s the case, the parent who has custody on weekends may pay support to the other parent.

Generally, when the courts grant joint custody – called joint managing conservatorship – it will designate one of the parents as the primary conservator who can determine the child’s primary residence. In many cases, it is this parent who receives child support payments.

Make Sure Your Situation is Handled Fairly: Talk to a Family Law Professional

Even though Texas child custody and support laws focus on the child’s best interest, it does not mean you have to accept the first draft of a child support agreement that your ex-spouse presents. Before entering into any settlement for your child support case, make sure it does not compromise your personal rights.

When parents share joint custody there should be an agreement in place to ensure the child’s needs are met no matter with which parent he or she resides. Both parents’ incomes, living situations and other obligations or hindrances must be examined to make sure they can meet the child’s needs when they have physical custody.

Get Legal Help with Custody and Child Support Cases

If you are in the process of negotiating or altering a custody and/or child support settlement agreement, make sure there’s a professional familiar with family law on your side. The Law Office of Julie Johnson helps Texas families rebuild and stay solid after divorce, no matter what type of custody arrangement. Contact us today to schedule a consultation regarding your case: (214) 290-8001.