The number of people who file for divorce is growing every year. In turn, the number of children affected by divorce is growing as well. In 2012 alone, there were more than 60,000 children affected by divorce in the state of Texas.

Divorce and Children: The Numbers 

The majority of divorces in Texas in 2012 didn’t involve children at all – 43,156 divorce cases involved couples without children.

Here are the numbers on divorcing families with children, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services. 

  • 13,414 divorce cases involved couples with two children
  • 17,219 cases involved couples with one child
  • 4,369 cases involved couples with three children
  • Over 2,000 cases involved couples with four or more children


In Dallas County, there were 15,627 marriages performed in 2012 and 8,239 divorces.

The Effects of Divorce on Children 

Divorce is known to have a number of psychological effects on children. According to the article “Children’s Reactions to Parental Separation and Divorce” printed in journal Paediatrics and Child Health, “most children report painful feelings about their parents’ divorce, and a significant minority of children suffer extended and prolonged symptomology…both internalizing and externalizing problems.”

Your child may exhibit the following problems before, during, or after a divorce. 

  • Angry outbursts
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Violence
  • Trouble learning


Children may also be in denial about the divorce, or internalize the divorce, feeling guilt and shame, and believe that they are to blame for their parents’ actions. How you tell your children that you are divorcing can make a difference in how they handle the fallout from the divorce. A family law lawyer can offer you resources if you need help. 

A Dallas Divorce Attorney Can Help You if You’re Divorcing and Have Children 

The health of your kids should be the most important thing to you, and often that means that divorcing from your spouse is what’s best for everyone. However, children don’t always understand the benefits of divorce, and can get caught in legal battles between parents over where the child will live and money issues like child support. These issues can be incredibly destructive to a child.

To help you and your spouse come to a decision about all the terms above in a civil and amicable manner, you need a divorce attorney who has your interests and the interests of your children in mind. At the Law Office of Julie Johnson PLLC, we’re ready to get to work today. Call us now at 214-265-7630.